ロシア留学中にフィンランドの音楽と出会い、現在はソロのみならず室内楽や伴奏に加え、執筆などその活動は多岐に渡る。2017年にはフィンランド独立100周年を記念した全3回に渡るイベント「FINLAND 100 MUSIC HISTORY」の企画・演奏の両面で参加。2014年からフィンランドの音楽に焦点を当てた演奏会シリーズ「森の響き、湖の歌」を企画、現在全3回を数える。
演奏活動のほか、執筆活動においても、多方面にわたるプログラムノートから小論文に至るまで、様々な媒体でフィンランドに焦点を当てた文章を掲載。またフィンランドの音楽出版社、Edition Tilliと共働しながら、知られざる作曲家の楽譜を浄書し出版する活動も行っている。

Started his musical study at the age of 4, with his mother, Yôko Ogawa.
Ogawa graduated from the Music Department of Komoro High School in Nagano.
After graduating from the instrumental music course at Musashino Music College and the master's degree at the same college, in 2009-10, he studied at the Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory under prof. Andrei Pisarev, Russia.
He had a encounter with Finnish music while studying in Russia. Now his activities are not only solo, but also in chamber music and accompaniment, as well as writing, and in 2017, he participated in both the planning and performance of "FINLAND 100 MUSIC HISTORY", a three-part series of events commemorating the 100th anniversary of Finnish independence. Since 2014, he has been organizing a series of concerts focusing on Finnish music called "Sounds of the Forest, Songs of the Lake", which has now been held three times in total.
He is also active in choral coaching, directing the female chorus "Musicland" based in Nagano.
In addition to his performances activity, Ogawa has published a variety of articles on Finland in a variety of media, from program notes to essays, with a focus on Finland. He also works with the Finnish music publisher, "Edition Tilli", to engrave and publish the scores of unknown composers.
He has studied piano with Naoyuki Murakami, Shoichi Yamada, Misao Minemura, Julia Ganeva and Andrei Pisarev, and accompaniment with Jan Horak and Natalya Batashova. He is a member of "Japan Finland Contemporary Music Society" (JFCMS) and "PianoTeachers' National Association of Japan" (PTNA).